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Got my Wheels back under me


Folks, it's been a crazy year. :truce:
Had a major change in marital status that's just now finalized.
Been on a major work project that had me change vacations twice including cancelling National Rally
Bike's been on the lift for a while repairing a drivetrain issue and just got it back and put it back together tonight.

Work Project is still going on....Splitting my time between Charlotte area and Minn. I get to visit my apartment once in a while and am dumbfounded paying 1400 a month for a place I am in 8 days a month. Crazy

I'm sorry I've been not active organizing rides and such. I just didn't have an extra minute for anything else aside getting things back on track while keeping myself gainfully employed.

I'm hoping I'll have more time soon to dedicate to COG activities.
One can only hope.. :great: