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Gray Lady Down....


Street Cruiser
I suppose I should get around to owning up.

Bought my new-to-me '86 Silverdammit last fall. Only got 30 miles on it before winter set in.

This past spring, in my first full week of riding, t'was out for a jaunt, with the repeated COGger warnings of low speed biatchiness fresh in my head. Found myself running out of pavement with a gravel road ahead (which I wanted no part of). I took a right turn on to a street right before the gravel to hang a U-ey. All was going well as I rolled thru the 180. As I looked to my left for traffic, then to my right, I saw a car approaching. I grabbed just a teensy bit too much brake. The front end dove and she started to tip. I fought as best I could, but down she went on her left.

I was concerned about righting the ship solo, but didn't really have any trouble standing her back up. I'm not a big guy.

The mirror was folded way back, but it straightened right out. No apparent damage to the bags or anywhere else that I could see. It IS an '86 after all, and not quite perfect, so if any damage was done I certainly don't notice it.

Closing in on the end of the season now (West Michigan) with over 5K on the year. Granted, I'm hyper careful at low speeds, but I've not since had anywhere near another close call.

There. I said it. Now where's my nahmbuh?!  :motonoises:

You've got an '86?  Boy, am I jealous!  But tight low-speed maneuvers are always going to be hazardous on her.  Glad that neither you nor Connie was hurt.  And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 514th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0510 C14 Norm Zoepfel
0511 C14 Randy Zabarsky
0512 C14 Mark Van Valkenburgh
0513 C14 Wesley Gammill
0514 C10 Tim Perry