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Greasing the drive shaft


Training Wheels
I pulled the drive shaft out yesterday to grease the splines. I know the front takes grease but the rear had oil on it I assume from the rear drive. Do I need to grease that or is the oil enough? Bike is 08 C-14.
ridg219 said:
I usually have my wife help grease my drive shaft

      Well that was very helpful for your first post!  ::)  Although I could hear quite a few folks with a wise azz answer like that (including me at times). Normally we reserve that until after someone has answered the question. Then it can be play time. (within reason) No harm though. I understand that it was all meant in fun.
    Anyway, I honestly never got to the point of disassembling the drive shaft unit for greasing on my C14. So rather than speculate, I will  let others who have had it apart answer. Sorry that my post really wasn't any more helpful than the first reply. I'm sure someone will be along to answer your question soon.
The drive shaft is in an oil free envirnment but both ends should be greased.  When I pulled mine at about 15000 miles,  I don't recall any leaking oil or that the greases had turned to a consistency of oil (which it can).  I'd wipe everything off (that's runny), grease up the splines on both ends, run a couple of thousand miles and check it again.  There should not be oil 'leaking' into the shaft area though there might be some seeping.

Now, about that other shaft... lubricate as necessary.
I did that last year on my '08 and I used honda moly 60 on both ends per manual,final drive page 11-2(M-Apply molybdenum disulfide grease)
you are correct,final drive end of drive shaft is lubricated by oil from final drive,there is a hole  in sliding joint.
don't get scared when you'll change oil in FD after this job and some miles,it will be dirty,mix of moly and gear oil
Can anyone that has done this job comment on the condition and amount of lubrication they found when they first took the shaft out? Coming from a few BMW's, I have seen some poorly lubricated shafts.
front was almost dry,back had oil from final drive,
I still got 1150GS,one of the reasons I do that lube job,C-14 is much,much easier
I greased both ends with Moly 60 (yes both ends of my shaft I can hear the comments now) So I take it that its OK for some oil to mix with the grease from sonnyb's comments. I don't hear the clicking noise when I roll the wheel with it on the centerstand that I could hear before.
both times i greased the splines there was plenty grease, just wiped it of and regreased. dont over grease or you will get some seeping out on to the rim.
Did mine last week end, front was very dry and rear had dif fluid on it, be carefully with the pin that lock the front side in place, it fall when i turn the front side to apply grease