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Greetings from Athens, GA


I have been lurking here for the better part of a year now and decided that I should sign up to be "official".

My name is David from Athens, GA.  I bought my 2010 C14 last September.  Primarily bought it for long distance rallys and other trips that I take throughout the year.  Riding 1,000 a day on it is not uncommon.  Enjoy a good mix of slab and twisty riding on it.

I have made some subtle changes to it over the past year to better accommodate the long distance aspect.  Installed Murph's risers, a low Sargent seat, hardwired the GPS to one of the auxiliary leads, an Euro style taller windshield, and a set of Ronnie's highway pegs.  After a year of ownership, I am very pleased with the purchased (considered the ST1300 and FJR before pulling the trigger on this).  The bike is just getting broken in as far as I am concerned.

Athens, GA

I'm just south of you in Greensboro, only I'm on a C10.  So if you see a red C10 there, it might be me.  I ride there often, to eat out, shopping, or picking up things.  But this heat has me riding far less recently, hoping for some cooler weather.