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Greetings from Des Moines Iowa - Just purchased a 2005 Concours


After purchasing a slightly used 2005 Concours today, I managed to google this site and it seems just to place to learn about my bike and maybe meet a few local guys up for weekend rides or trips.  My name is Joe and I am a motorcycle addict (since age 11), having owned a combination of at least 15 motorcycles over the last 40 years.  My last ride was a Suzuki Bandit 1200 and sometimes I wonder why I got rid of it but I'm back in the saddle now and ready to ride.  I currently own two 250 Honda quads a and a 2006  250CRF motorcross bike that I ride for fun in the woods.  Not bad for a 50 year old guy who thinks he's 17 !  I enjoy taking short 100 - 2oo mile rides and a couple of cross country to Florida, NY, Maine, etc...so I believe the Kawasaki is just the perfect bike considering it's ergonomics and huge fuel tank.  I once rode 1,100 miles from Florida to NY in one day and discovered I could barely walk so I limit my maximum days to a max of 800 miles.  One of these days, I have to apply for an Iron Butt patch. 

Anyway, I'm hoping to meet some of the local COG guys but wouldn't mind driving across the state line to meet others !
Welcome. Sounds like you like to ride, cool.
The Minnesnowta bunch is quite active with rides and such, keep an eyeball on the event calendar, COG events, and impromptu  sections for stuff going on up there. I'm riding up in a couple of weeks to hopefully kill a brain cell or two with one or more, time permitting.

Hope that heat breaks up there, we are actually enjoying lower dewpoints than normal, tomorrow down to a 61 dewpoint. Rare here in July.
Your gonna like this bunch!!!!

If you don't mind crossing a few state lines,,,,, come ride with us at the National in Vermont.
You WILL NOT be disappointed!!!!  :))

Ride safe, Ted
Thanks guys.  I have relatives that live in Connecticut & Maine and I've been known to just hop on the bike and drive 1,000 miles in a day (if motivated and the weather holds out).  Took my mom on a car trip through the White Mountains two weeks ago too.  I did look over your Vermont ride and it just won't work out this year but I can very well see myself out there next year.  I'm down to two weeks of vacation so any riding will have to encompass 500-600 mile rides.

This is one great site, I've been sneaking onto the internet at work over the last couple of days blowing some serious time looking over the forum and think you guys have done a good job covering nearly all the topics.
If you go to Vermont next year to ride with the club, we probably won't be there.
The National is held ata different location each year.
That location has not been decided for next year, but I highly recommend you try to make a National...
I've been to 6 (I think) and loved every one of them!

Ride safe, Ted
Another Ioweenie!  Great!

I can personally recommed these events, easily within your reach yet this year.  Check the calendar.  More events are a bit more distant.
  Spider Ride near Steelville MO.
  NE Iowa Ride to Eat at Balltown IA
  Hunt for Red October, Dodgeville WI.

Jerry Roland