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Greetings From the Flatlands


New member from the vast flatlands of NW Ohio - Lima area to be specific.  Just purchased a new `09 C14 (non-ABS) last Thursday and am looking forward to putting some serious miles on it in the years to come.  I have already ordered a number of farkles to dial it in to my personal needs/tastes (lowering links, Helibar risers, VStream windscreen, Murph's grips, fender extender and a few other odds and ends) so hopefully they'll resolve the few fitment issues I have with the bike.  Coming off a Yamaha Road Star the ergo's are more sporting than I expected, and the small dia. grips are killing my hands after about 20 miles even with gloves on.

As for background (if you care to know), I'm 36 and have been riding off-road since I was 6 and on the street since I was 16.  My first street bike was a 1987 EX500 Ninja, followed up by a 1991 Ninja ZX-7, 1996 Vulcan 800A, and my last bike - a 2000 Yamaha Road Star.  The vast majority of my riding has always been within a couple hundred miles of home, but I'm hoping to change that with the Connie as I'd really love to do some longer trips out west and possibly even up to Alaska someday.

I haven't paid much attention to the sport & sport-touring segments of the market in the last 15 years, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of off-the-wall questions that will seem basic or rudimentary to you seasoned Connie vet's as I adjust so please bear with me as I edumacate myself. 