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head neck bearing 2004


Big Wheel
Has anyone replaced this bearing? I have a clunking sound on bumps and believe this may be the problem. I have a 2004 C10 with 35K miles. Can I do this myself or let the shop do it?
I am sure this thread will get moved to the correct area sometime. In the meantime. It can be changed. The time I saw it done they had to use a dremel and a chisel to cut the lower bearing off the stem. The real questions is if that is what you need? Have you adjusted the head bearing? I have seen the front fender cluck when going over bumps. The rivets get loose and without a fork brace the forks flex enough to make the rivet pop. Actually one of my prior Connies had this problem. Have heard others with it a few times now. 04 is way early to have a head bearing bad. Fix is to remove and replace the rivet with new or with screw. Photos[/url]
The real questions is if that is what you need? Have you adjusted the head bearing? +1 They're not the easiest things to change, try tightening them up first.
before cranking down on them, why not disassemble and INSPECT THEM first,? they may be rotted out and need replacing, and at the very least need some lube attention..... see the library, Concourier issue I believe spring 08, called "shake, rattle, roll"...splains it all there.