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Heat shield install.


2017 Connie.
The right heat shield is messed up when i got the bike. I ordered new heat shield. Question is. Do i have to remove entire faring to install it? I also have R&G Engine guards. Prob need to remove those as well? I much appreciate any tips. 92BDF23C-E807-4A76-8C0D-7FEB54DE88A4.jpeg4F78395B-4A68-4D4F-86F1-31F6F93D4E2C.jpeg
There are 4 pieces of plastic on the right side of our bikes. The upper fairing, middle fairing lower fairing and batter cover. I would definitely want to remove the lower fairing to install that gasket shield part (last pic). It will make it much easier to put back in. It should fit perfectly on the edge of the lower fairing. to get the lower faring off I believe you need to to take the middle and lower fairing off together to get the lower off.
I figured it out and got lower faring off. I found the Rubber heat shield was fine but some of the clips were snapped off the faring which was why it looked messed up. I also found out why there was a big gap. There was a spacer that did not belong and it pushed the lower faring out causing the gap.

Now i have to decide to either order new lower faring or rig the heat shield somehow to the faring for a tight seal.