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Hello from a prospective C-14 owner


Hi Folks,
I currently own a BMW R1150RS and a Versys.  I love the Versys.  The BMW, not so much.  I'm getting older.  The riding position of the R1150 is just sporty enough to bother my knees and back.  The riding position of the Versys is great but it's not enough bike 2-up riding with my wife.

The wife and I stopped by a few bike shops today to see what might replace the BMW.  I was impressed by the Concours 14 enough to join the COG but know nothing about it.

I have lots of questions but will do some searching first.  Just want to introduce myself and say Hello.
Welcome Cliff. We have a whole section dedicated to the C14. So ask away with your questions. Hopefully we can answer all of them!  :)