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Big Wheel
Hi all, just picked up a 2010 leftover C14 this week.  I've been lurking around many messages boards (including this one) for a while now researching the bike.  Now that I'm an owner I've decided to join and soak in all I can. ^-^

Adam from NH
Welcome...  You found COG at a great time.  The club's national rally is being held in Vermont this year the week of AUG 8-12.  If you have the time come check us out. If you become a dues paid member of COG you will save $10 on the rally registration fee.
Thanks for the warm welcome.  As for the rally I'm in ME that week but I've been considering a day trip over.  Is there any one day or event more worthy than another?
Hang2er said:
Thanks for the warm welcome.  As for the rally I'm in ME that week but I've been considering a day trip over.  Is there any one day or event more worthy than another?

Folks are generally out riding during the day, and not much goes on then. As they return in the afternoons the parking lot conversations pick up and a bulk of the activities begin early evening or at night. I suggest checking out the rally schedule to see what activities are going on.
