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Heroes Highway Ride and Rally (Ontario)


A free event in support of Canada's Troops    Saturday June 7th
Departing CFB Kingston at 11am sharp For Eastern Ontario.
Registration 8:30 - 10:40 a.m. in Kingston

Departing Whitby Entertainment Centrum for the GTA area.
Registration 8:30 - 11:10 a.m. in Whitby


Thanks Jamie from Belleville for bringing this to my attention!  :great:
The date on the website hasn't been updated since last years ride - this year it's the same weekend, but the date is Saturday June 7th.

Not a long, or technically challenging ride, but there are a lot of bikes involved, and if you've ever seen one of the processions that the Highway of Heroes is named for, you'd have to agree it's worthwhile.


(I've sent a note to them regarding the dates on the website...)

Making the change on the forum. If all goes well and I get back to the boat on time due to all this ice I should be able to make it.