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Hi again, from Orlando, FL.


Hi, again, folks!
I live in Orlando, FL, and ride a lovely black '09 C14, named "Olga", that I purchased this last Feb.  She had to go into the shop for about a month because of an injector issue, which was covered under warranty, but I'm pretty satisfied with the bike. 
I'm glad the forum is back up and running and the new look is great, as well. 
I've heard that Mickey has been known to ride his Concours around Orlando!  :))  Welcome aboard!!!!
I love bacon too... as long as you are talking crispy grease covered strips of pig and not Kevin.
smithr-scad said:
I love bacon too... as long as you are talking crispy grease covered strips of pig and not Kevin.

What? You mean like 6 degrees of crispy delicious bacon?? YES!
It's like the candy of the meat world.  It goes well with just about everything. 