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hi perth western Australia

Welcome aboard. Us here in the states didn't have a 2007 Concours! We went from 2006 Concours (C10) to the 2008 Concours14 in mid 2007.

Welcome Mark,  What is going on down there?  GTR is almost as good a bike as the Concours!  I wonder why they are not all GTR or all Concours?
Companies have been doing this with their products for years. Numerous motorcycles have had this. Auto companies like Volkswagen for example.  Had the Rabbit in the US and the Golf in Europe until 1985.  And even that was changed back and forth again recently.
The you have McDonald's. In the US they have the 1/4 pounder with cheese. And if I'm not mistaken, it's the Royal with cheese in Europe! Oh great, I'm hungry now!  :103: