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How to subscribe to an entire section via email?



I would like to subscribe to an entire section, say for example 'ZG100 General...' so that I can read it over email rather than coming to the forum every day.

Is this possible?

If so, how?

If not, why not? :)

Best wishes,

Grant Rettke
I personally don't know the answer to this question. But I am going to move it to the COGMOS Problem Reports section. I'm sure it will be addressed by the website guru's!
Hey Grant,
It doesn't appear to me that you can grab THAT large of a chunk for notifications, but pick some heading and then a sub-heading and see if the "NOTIFY" button isn't on the bar at the upper right side.  If so, click it and it will ask something to the effect of, "Are you REALLY sure you want THAT much email?"  If you say yes, that's it.  You could subscribe to numerous sub-categories in this way and get everything you are wanting and probably LOTS more besides.  If I am in error, hopefully a smart person will come along shortly.