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http://www.froggtoggsraingear.com Rain Gear


:mad: I recently ordered rain gear from froggtoggsraingear.com. I got the pants in three days and e-mail stating the top was on back order. After 3 weeks I called and the laughing service person told me they had the tops and would send it immediately. I reminded her that I also was missing my stuff sack.  A week later, my top arrived and amazingly no stuff sack. I called this AM and again a laughing girl asked for my order number and said "looks like we forgot your stuff sack". She hung up before I could request expedited shipping.  Looks like I'm leaving on vacation without the sack.
Laughing eh....  Not very professional....  Did they offer any appology?  I have found myself laughing at a painful situation with a client in the past, mostly because the alternative was even more offensive.  The client called my boss, and needless to say, one more life lesson in the bank....(sometimes I am amazed that I survived my 20s and 30s)
I manage a call center and it amazes me how often someone complains about behavior on a call, and when I listen, THEY INSTIGATED IT.  I've had customers say "agent Z laughed at my problem" and they were CRACKING JOKES.  Jeeze louise, people are touchy.  LOL
I use "Space Bags" from Target. Roll up the FroggToggs and it takes all of the air out like a vaccum. It takes up a lot less space and is weather tight.
I use the space bags quite a bit.  They do reduce the size of my luggage. Never thought of using them for my Toggs.  The stuff sack is small but the space bag would probably cut that down by a  1/3, I am guessing.  Good Idea. Thanks.