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I Got Recalibrated Yesterday


Mini Bike
Yesterday I got reset!
I had to ask myself why I ride a motorcycle?
I don't ride to work.  I have a nice car.
Why did I pick up this hobby/passion?  For me it was so I can ride around the neighborhood and nearby farm highways where I could enjoy nature.
I have even enjoyed going to destinations like Tail of The Dragon, several National Parks, etc.  All have been very enjoyable.


Yesterday I got pulled over on my Connie going over 80MPH on a 45MPH speed zone.

I did NOT get a ticket as I was respectful of the Officer and was honest.  I admitted my stupidity early in my interaction with him.  He 'ran' my license which was totally clean---no speeding or any other violations over the last 10 years.  He gave me a warning and let me go.

So I went back home, relaxed for a bit, and went out riding with my 82 Goldwing.  I rode the same route but this time obeyed all speed limits and had a very enjoyable ride.  I actually 'smelled the roses'!

I hope I never speed again.  I don't know the point of me writing this, but every one of us who rides for fun should occasionally recalibrate himself!



:great: I tend to work more on riding well than riding fast. That means my cornering lines are the best they can be, I'm ALWAYS in complete control and I don't get "surprised" by other drivers, road conditions, etc.
I also recently won the dreaded "overacheiver award" 80 in a 65...  I was on interstate heading into Kansas City.  The traffic was getting thick, and I was getting cautious.  I spotted a nice open spot about three cars ahead, signal, and then opened her up...  Wasn't even looking at the speedo, just trying not to get pinched.

When he pulled me over he seemed surprised to see and older, fatter, bald guy.  He was very polite, as was I.  He almost seemed to not want to write the ticket after he saw it wasn't some speed demon punk on a crotch rocket.... almost.

It does suck to get a ticket, the 2nd in three years for me, but prior to that it had been 10 years.  I am hoping that these things don't come in three's!  I am not a fan of radar detectors, as I try to stay within a reasonable reach of the speed limit.  However it is much easier to get 'illegal' on the connie than my supersized yamaha!

I'm with Simba...  Time to recalibrate!!!
The last ticket i got ,was on my way to vintage days at mid ohio with a friend me on my c14 him on an st1300 was having a great ride on
I71 we would run up to 80 to 90 pass cars then slow back down to the 65limit dumb ass me spotted small plane flying with us and didn't think about the ohio state patrol and you guessed it got waved over as we pass by a troupers car pulled over and the lady officer laughed at us when she saw two 56 year old men said we know at times you were over 100 but couldn't get a clock on us but when we did we got you (me) at 80 and you (the st )at 82 said if is was up to her she would let us off needless to saw it was an expensive ride that day .