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I have to keep her now


Beer, mud, zero mph. Left mirror bracket busted. Since I was in mud my neighbor had to help me right the bike.
I thought  my XR650 had prepared me, it's way taller and way top heavy.
I will wear my number with pride anyway.
That combination of beer and mud is a dangerous one.  I don't even need a Connie for me to end up horizontal in the mud.  At least the mud is soft!

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 527th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0523 C14 Charlie Moore
0524 C14 Julio Sekler
0525 C14 Ahmet Beyhan
0526 C10 Brian Frankenfield
0527 C10 Frazier Johnston
GlockPointer said:
Beer, mud, zero mph. Left mirror bracket busted. Since I was in mud my neighbor had to help me right the bike.
I thought  my XR650 had prepared me, it's way taller and way top heavy.
I will wear my number with pride anyway.

Hey Glock it's a Connie not a KLR..........  :-[