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I need a set of wheels for my 08 C14


Does anyone have a connection on prices for a set of wheels.
I'm going to need a set fast. I misjudged a pothole.
Gonna need some wheels. I got a check from insurance
guy today and he said I could probably save a few hundred
looking online but I don't know where to look .
08 C14 ABS
I would look for a used set on ebay. I know the zx14 front wheel is the same and you can find those pretty cheap. Good luck!
Thanks redbeard68 and Tim. I decided to get new
wheels. My parts guy got me under the insurance
amount. He even got me a set of pr3 tires for 300.
I sent my forks to Traxxion today and ordered  a
pensky shock. So in a couple of weeks I should be
riding. I just can't believe that pothole did that much
damage. I kind of was a little disappointed in myself.
Maybe I'll forget about it when I get it all back together
Thanks guys
