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Idle adjustment?


Can the idle be adjusted on the C 14?  My old carbureted conc had a mixture screw......not sure about the fuel injected. 
dave said:
Can the idle be adjusted on the C 14?  My old carbureted conc had a mixture screw......not sure about the fuel injected.


On the newer 2010/2011, look down around the shifter area.  You should find what looks like a screw head that looks like it is stuck in the end of a rubber hose, just laying against the rubber heat seal.  Hold the 'hose' part and rotate the screw to adjust the idle.

On the 2008/2009, it's in the same area, but a little higher up, about shin height to knee height, if sitting in the riding position with your foot on the peg.  I'm not sure if it's hiding behind the plastics though on the older ones.