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IMS discount ends today

Don't know if COG2013 has a deadline or not, but it works today.  $3 off, making it a $13 total.  I love how they charge you an extra buck to save them time and money........but hey, at least they didn't give the ticket franchise to the bastards at Ticketmaster.
Bought my tickets for the Chicago show last night an the discount still worked. I couldn't quite figure out how much the discount was per ticket -- I got $6 off 2 adult 1-day passes, 1 adult 1-day pass with a t-shirt and 1 child's 1-day pass.  ???
The Minnesota COGers annual motorcycle show lunch was a huge success, by success I mean by how many met for lunch. My initial guestimate for the reservation was 14 but doubled that and then some, counted 32, some guests were in there but still a good turn out from all points of the state and also a good representation from Chedderville. It was the first time we used Market BBQ for the place for lunch which seemed to have worked out great, we had our own room and the limited waitstaff worked well with a larger than was anticipated group. Anyone get the name of our server(s) should give them a good rating on Yelp for the effort.