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Informal Helmet Survey


Just  performed an informal helmet survey. I live on a popular bike road, RT 44 in  NW CT.
So after lighting up my favorite cigar, I sat on the porch and recorded the data for 50 bikes passing by.
The survey did not take long, less than the cigar, probably around 40 minutes. Luckily, there were no major 50-100 convoys, the largest one was 6 bikes.

Here are the results recorded in the format (helmeted/total; % helmets)

Overall: 31/64; 48%

2-up:  16/28; 57%
broken down as
          rider 7/14; 50%
          pillion 9/14; 64%

Solo: 15/36; 42%

Ok, now I’m going for a ride.

Were you sitting on the front steps yesterday afternoon just before the rain?  I was in your neck of the woods. heading west on RT44 to stopped at Lone Oaks.