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Interesting mod for a 2010 KLR650


Did you happen to get to talk with the owner?  Reason, I'd like to know who makes a bolt on sidecar, as that is what it looks like has been done.

Looks like a Dauntless, they happen to be based in my town.


I don't understand the thinking of using a off road bike and a side car. Talk about inhibiting it's abilities. I thought side cars on normal motorcycles were questionable (to me anyway)!  :D
BBAR said:
I don't understand the thinking of using a off road bike and a side car. Talk about inhibiting it's abilities. I thought side cars on normal motorcycles were questionable (to me anyway)!  :D
When I was running enduros, there was a side car class in a few of them.  Only the most crazy rode them. For the most part, they ran the same trail we did.  ;D

Come to think of it, every once in awhile, there'd be a two up class, too.