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Ironic motorcycle crash in TX

I'm really glad to hear that the worst injury only required "treated and released" but this is why I don't ride in those things anymore.  Even when I was doing it, it just felt as if everyone was just too close.  The local riding clubs are great folks and I love playing the skill games in the parking lot, but I ride mostly alone and don't try to bunch up when I do ride with others.
That almost as bad as the cop that got killed in a motorcycle accident while escorting a funeral parade for a cop that got killed in a motorcyle accident while ecorting a funeral parade for a cop that got killed on a motorcycle. Or something like that.  :truce:
Ironic? yes. Avoidable? yes.  Group rides can be interesting. You have a major mix of riders expereinced and inexperienced in group rides and in riding in general. Spacing usually is too tight and speeds ususally too fast for everyone. Rules, guidelines and communication usually not totaly clear and often non-existent.
Here in Tampa, we've actually got several police tanks - or at least Armored Personnel Carriers.  But the motorcycle escort is traditional and has been since at least the 50s.
