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Jacksonville 3rd Thursday meet and greet, May 16th

I'm going to try to make this one. Still have a leaking steering ram for my boat that need to get rebuilt in JAX. I might have some goodies for anyone planing to attend this. Stuff left over from RWTW that I need to give away. No Toyota p/u this time....sorry.  Al
Looking forward to meeting up with people tonight.  :)

I rode the Ninjette in to work and will be riding it to the meet and greet!!!  :motonoises:
If you're not a hockey fan, you might not understand this. Tonight is the first game of the second round for the Boston Bruins, and I can't be on the road to JAX and miss it. My apologies to everyone for not making this AGAIN. I will try again the next time.
Tom, thanks for taking care of the JAX riders. I hope you get a good number of riders.  Al
IronButtAl said:
If you're not a hockey fan, you might not understand this. Tonight is the first game of the second round for the Boston Bruins, and I can't be on the road to JAX and miss it. My apologies to everyone for not making this AGAIN. I will try again the next time.
Tom, thanks for taking care of the JAX riders. I hope you get a good number of riders.  Al

Red Wings are all that matter.

Come on up!!!
Thanks to all who showed!!!!  :beerchug:

Daytona Mike decides to show his ugly, um nice, mug since he's up in Jax on 'business'.  :great:

Digs were much quieter this time.  We may have another young rider in our midst.

Hope Courtney goes to a MSF and gets her little Ninjette.

We had two Connies, the Ninjette and a Vulcan....

Sorry I missed it guys. Hopefully there was talk of getting a ride together sometime.

You got a good game to stay home for Al - GO BRUINS!