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Jim & Eddie published


The latest ROK rag has reports frum goodfellas Jim & Eddie on their rides to Frisco. Attaboys! 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh Over the Pond 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
Most excellent articles... and great PR for COG. I noticed that Dr. Greg Fraser (the rally guest speaker) is credited for some of the photos too. There is a link to this issue, and more, in the COG in the Press section on the "About Us" page. You can get there from the Home Menu. -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Thanks, Paulie and Steve. This was my first published article! Cool!! Thanks to ROK also for printing it. Eddie 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753
I was promised a copy of the magazine; haven't seen it yet. Oh well, I got published in CONCOURIER and that's more better anyhoo.
I just received mine Sat. Jim, I'll follow-up with ROK and make sure you have one headed that way. Maybe they are sending it special delivery :quest: :)
I was promised a copy of the magazine; haven't seen it yet. Oh well, I got published in CONCOURIER and that's more better anyhoo. Better wait on that call to yer agent, RJ. The Jim I wuz talkin bout is frum AZ. :blush: 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh Over the Pond 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
ROK still promised me a copy as I'm the one who identified/differentiated me & Eddie and explained who took which pictures. I contacted the editior and she indicated that she would see that I got a copy.
I just received the hard copy of this issue, along with the ROK road atlas. Got to read the articles again in print instead of online. Jim - touch base with the editor of Accelerate to remind her to send you a copy of the mag. Wait until after bike week. I'm sure she is there covering ROK events. -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.