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Just wanted to say thank you


I just wanted to say thank you to all the members here who have been so much help to me. Coming off the Harley forums, man those dudes are ****s, make you feel like your the problem because you didn't memorize the tech manual, and talk down to you because you asked a question. Y'all have welcomed me into the fold and made me feel comfortable and have helped me. I will do my best to integrate all you have taught me and be the guy to help others!

Special thanks to @Bud for being my rockstar. Sorry for depletion of you pile of spares, I couldn't do it without you.

And @connie_rider and @2andblue for so many good answers to my questions.

Thank you, thank you, thank you
Not a problem. We only talk down to each other,,,,
You'll find that the people in the COGdom are a bunch of good folks.
(Even Bud and 2andblue) <evil grin>

Ride safe, Ted
You're welcome Tom! Glad we could help. Yeah, we're good folks, even Ted. Just have to look over that issue he has with red.😉😁
@nomoreusmc6802 you are most welcome, glad to help.

Regarding people who are ****s when asking a question or discussing something, that’s most times because they’re insecure and don’t want their authority questioned or for him to become too smart. Here - we look down on that behavior so settle in, ask away and we all learn together.

Wayne, Carol & Blue