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Logan Pass


Hello all.

Looking for info from our north west members.

Is logan Pass through Glacier NP usually open by mid May?  I know weather is / can be unpredictable from year to year but just wondering what the norm usually is.

Thanks,    John 
Thought I would respond, since no one else is.  I am not from the northwest, but I went through Logan's Pass this summer.  Stayed with a friend from Kalispell and I am pretty sure he said that the pass usually isn't completely open until late June.  Hopefully someone else from that area will chime in. 
Jeff said:
Thought I would respond, since no one else is.  I am not from the northwest, but I went through Logan's Pass this summer.  Stayed with a friend from Kalispell and I am pretty sure he said that the pass usually isn't completely open until late June.  Hopefully someone else from that area will chime in.

Thanks Jeff.

That's what I'm hearing from some other sources as well.   
I was hoping to head up there after next years Bun Cooler but it sounds like it will be to early for the pass to be clear.
I had a nine day trip to the Northwest this summer.  6000 miles and saw lots of cool things and I have to say Logan's Pass was definitely a highlight.  If fact it was my number 2 on my highlight list.  Which goes something like this. #1 Beartooth Pass, #2 Logan pass, #3 Riggins Idaho (Heavens Gate), #4 Redwoods on the coast (pacific Coast Highway), #5 Crater Lake, #6 Yellowstone, #7 Lolo Pass, #8 Needles HWY/ Spearfish Canyon, #9 Lake Kootenay in British Colombia. Hope the weather cooperates and you get to do the road to the sun. 