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May Day in Arkansas


This rides booking end date is Apr 15th. http://www.cog-online.org/clubportal/EventDetail.cfm?clubID=1328&EventID=85038&mo=4&tDate={d%20%272009-04-13%27} Pick one or both and leave a pig trail behind. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Oh, Man, but I hate to do this! After scheduling and doing the initial setup of the May Day Ride for the COG South Central Area, to be held in Clarksville, Arkansas April 30 - May 3rd, after looking forward to it and planning it and recruiting people to attend, I have watched in dismay as my personal plans have crumbled and collapsed and been thwarted this way and that. Between the bike remaining in its current state of not running and the savage demands of employment (aka, survival in the modern world), it now appears certain that I will be unable to attend my own event. I've been scheduled to work until 8:30 PM Friday, the 1st - in spite of repeated requests, pleas, and outright begging to be let off - relegating me to a Saturday-only possibility. The bike being a non-runner still at this point makes it unlikely it will be available even at that, so if I were to attend I'd have to do it in the (shudder) cage. Throw in a generous measure of fiscal distress and common sense and practicality make it seem the best thing for me to do is bow out at this point and wish everyone who does attend an enjoyable weekend with beautiful weather and clean, safe roads. When I last spoke with the folks at the motel, 5 rooms had been booked for the event, so it looks like the usual modest turnout. I've been exchanging email with Mike Weyer, a COG member who lives just up the road from Clarksville, regarding assuming the lead on this event, and he is willing to do so although he, too, is having some interference from his job on that Friday. At this time he's planning on being there on Thursday and Saturday at the least, and will probably make arrangements for a place for the group to take the evening meal Saturday. Mike has also put some time in on planning some ride routes, a couple of fairly short loops and a couple of fairly long ones, which look interesting to me. I recommend them. At any rate, barring a miracle or two, it appears I will not be attending the May Day Ride. I sure to hate to miss it. Y'all have fun, and think about me at least once!