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Me too, unfortunately


Ok, have to confess:

Have dropped my perfect-condition 2009 twice since I bought it in August.  A four-year-old bike and the only scratches and dings on the whole bike are ones I put on myself, in seven months, sheeesh.    :-[

Last August, before I knew about this thread, was riding on to my flat and wide driveway, probably coming back from slow-riding practice in an empty parking lot near my house;  and was coming to a stop, going about 1 mph, and I turned the wheel and grabbed the front brake, and in an instant, it went down to the right.  Man that bike is heavy, holy cow!  So, scratched the right mirror housing, some other cowlings and body work, and muffler, just a little.  hardly noticeable, except to me.

Sunday a week ago, wife was riding with me, for her second ride ever.  We were in the driveway of friends, and bike was parked and we were leaving.  I got on, put the bike upright, and she stepped on from the right side.  Seemed like she must have been standing up back there juggling or something;  I don't know, but anyway, bike leaned right and I couldn't stop it and down it went again.  Same side, more scratches on right side mirror. 

i thought about delaying this post so I could get CDA #500, but couldn't live with myself.  ::)

So, there you go.

It really doesn't matter how old the bike is, giving her the very first scratch is a terrible thing - even moreso if she sustains actual damage.  And if Don can do it after FIFTY YEARS of riding, it can happen to any of us.  Having it happen with your better half aboard is a bad thing no matter how loving and understanding she is.

I suspect there are more than a few folks lurking out there trying to snag #500, so I'm going to post something saying how these get chosen - basically I use the time the board receives the first message in the thread to figure the order if multiples come in on the same day.  Thanks to Matt for setting up the 500th award ceremony too!

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 493rd recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0489 C10 Tom McKinney
0490 C10 Bob Pappalardo
0491 C14 Tom Tomlinson
0492 C14 Don Bryant
0493 C14 Tom Roush