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Memorial Day


I was just wondering why COG and COG members don't particapate in Rolling Thunder. Bikers come from all over the World come to see or particapate in honoring US veterans yet there is no organized effort from COG members to honor the USA's best citizens. As a USMC Vietnam Veteran I have particapated in this event for 22 years and believe me there is no better way for a Patriot American biker to spend Memorial Day then being at this event.
I think its just a matter of organizing some COG participation. Put together a proposal with your AAD and talk-it-up in the newsletters, event on the calendar etc. I bet you would get a good sign-up of COGers. Sounds like a great thing to do. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
As a retired veteran (33 years), I'll tell you why I don't participate. The ride is populated predominantly with open-piped V-twins (wonder if the name "Rolling Thunder" gives anyone a clue?) and I can't/won't deal with the noise. I honor my veteran, fallen brothers and current servicmen by contributions to organizations like the USO, the Red Cross and by pounding on my government representatives every time they come up with some other stupid cost reduction plan that will reduce benefits. Put a sound limit on the bikes and I'll be there. Until then; no thanks.