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My first real ride on my 2019 Connie!


I was able to get in 337 miles today. The day started at 22° and sunny. I rode the Delaware river down to Philadelphia cross to the Jersey side road through South Jersey to Atlantic City. Spent the afternoon at Atlantic City and jumped on the parkway And did super slabs all the way home. So I was able to get in some single lane roads along with highways.

Wow, I really like this bike. It’s my first large bike like this and to say I’m impressed with the power would be an understatement. Also, the handling was terrific. Given the size of the bike and the weight. It really is surprising. One thing I didn’t notice is that suspension is not exactly smooth ! I also thought that the motor could be a little crisper when you get on it. Otherwise, I really enjoyed the heated Corbin seat. I’ve never had anything like that. The lights are pretty good at night much better than this Suzuki 800 DE adventure bike that I bought.. Those lights flat out suck so I added driving lights, but I don’t see me needing to do that right away with this bike. I also heard some rattling, but I believe it’s coming from one of the bags so I will take one off at a time and test them.. I’ll probably take the bike out tomorrow because I have to wash all the salt off of it anyway.

I’m really looking forward to tuning this bike exactly the way I want it. I love to modify things. Add things just make things work work better for me.
Congrats on the new toy.

Step 1. Do nothing.
ie; Don't change (too) much, until you ride it e'nuff to get to know it.

I’m really looking forward to tuning this bike exactly the way I want it. I love to modify things. Add things just make things work better for me.

We "really" like the way you think and will be more than happy to help you find ways to spend your money.

Ride safe, Ted
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You’re a wise man Ted unfortunately I am a fool when it comes to motorcycles and farkels . It has some goodies part of the reason I bought it . It has a heated Corbin seat , bar risers , and lowered footpegs driver n passenger and a nice back box . The lights on this bike are great compared to my other bikes but after you have driving lights they are a must . A gps and cruise control seem like they are just an absolute necessity on this bike ? I love cameras front and rear so if some a hole hits me I will sue them ! Also I love really loud horns to make em look and move the rite direction because now phones are more important that anything to many cagers . So I will need some help but according to most who know me I am already beyond help !
It appears that you have the terrible Disease called Farkel-itis.
Luckily, I'm one of the few that never succumbed to the Disease. :sneaky:

Some here can give you the info you need on GPS/Camera's/Cruise.

On the Driving lights most of us just installed LED Lights and they make quite a bit of difference.
But, not just any LED light works. {as many don't have cut-off at the top to prevent blinding oncoming traffic}
And the higher priced LED's are just that. {higher priced / not necessarily better}

I'm using the H4-9003LED Lights.
Many have used them successfully.

On the horns, also many choices, but we can tell you what we're using.
I'm using the Piaa Slim Line dual horns.

Ride safe, Ted
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You can normally easily tell if the ECU has been flashed by pulling out the unit and looking for a sticker. All the tuners I know about will place a sticker on the box of the unit identifying who did it and which tune it received. If there is no sticker… it likely has yet to be touched.

Rob from MI
While I was looking for the LED info, I came across an old note that I sent to another member in 2004.
I still have a C-10 and I'm still adding Farkles to it.

Luckily I don't have that dreaded disease.
BEKUZ if I did have it, things would be REALLY Bad

Hi Billy Bob, here is an old (incomplete) list of my Tinkerin'..

Before we continue. I have to tell you this... I worked hard on "Traveler".
This is my story. "A Poor Mans Connie".....

I bought my bike as a "project bike".
It was in pretty sad shape. After some repairs to get it running again, I did a few improvements...
Here is the list!! Now you'll "KNOW" where my money has gone!!!
"Brace yourself"!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-D
Are ya ready? :cool:
Here we go!!! :^>
Almost there!!!! 8-O

"The List"
1. Replaced front rotors, and all brake pads.
2. Replaced front and rear tires. (Dunlop 491's)
3. Replaced windshield. (Tinted Targa)
4. Replaced grips. (Gel grips / Murph)
5. Replaced horns, added relay. (from a used Fiat car/UNBELIEVABLY LOUD)
6. Added Fenda Extenda.
7. Added Switch/relay system to cooling fan. (Mod by Ted)
8. Added CB radio and antenna. (Now changed to FRS radio). (Mod by Ted)
9. Replaced mufflers. (Cobra F1s)
10.Removed exhaust system, polished and relieved header pipe inlets. (Mod by Ted)
11.Ground exhaust ports and matched to header inlets. (Mod by Ted)
12.Wrapped headers with heat tape. (Kerker)
13.Added Corbin seat and backrest. (bought used on internet)
14.Added stronger cargo rack. (Built by Ted)
15.Sanded and painted bike with two tone Toreador Red paint. (Painted by Ted)
16.Added front and rear side running lights. (Lockhart Phillips)
17.Added K&N filter, and Modified air box. (Mod by Ted)
18.Added throttle lock. (Vista Cruise)
19.Modified rear turn indicators to running/turn lights. (Mod by Ted)
20.Modified taillight to semi flash with turn indicators. (Mod by Ted)
21.Modified head light to now have 3 beams, low beam, high-beam, and {both} high & low beam. (Mod by Ted)
22.Added Murph's SS bolts to bike. (Murphy)
23.Bobbed rear fender and raised license plate assembly. (Mod by Ted)
24.Added Street Pilot and Radar detector. (Garmin and Whistler)
24a. Built special GPS Mount. (Built by Ted)
25.Rebuilt carbs and changed jetting. (Synced carbs) (Mod by Ted)
26.Replaced Clutch master cylinder and modified clutch springs. (Mod by Ted)
27.Added magnetic tank bag. (Sharp)
28.Modified front forks and added stiffer spring set-up. (Mod by Ted)
29.Replaced clutch and brake levers with newer adjustable style. (from a 98 Connie)
30.Krouser Trunk. (bought very used) (Repainted and repaired by Ted)
31.Built FRS/CB Radio harness and helmet system. (Built by Ted)
32.Added SS Brake and Clutch Lines (Built by Ted)
33.Some I've forgotten...(Forgotten by Ted)
34.Plus 5 years of normal maintenance. (Labor by Ted)

Understand why I'm broke, and tired??? 8-(
Man, am I having fun!!!

Ride safe, Ted
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Wow I Am So Lucky I just jumped on Connie and took off !
You rebuilt the bike and then some I bought a bike to do some to .
I’m to old n lazy to do to much work on her .
I’ll ask up for suggestions for sure the light mod is a great one !
Thanks for all the help .
Wow I Am So Lucky I just jumped on Connie and took off !
You rebuilt the bike and then some I bought a bike to do some to .
I’m to old n lazy to do to much work on her .
I’ll ask up for suggestions for sure the light mod is a great one !
Thanks for all the help .
After the flash, ur gonna want to add an auxiliary fuse panel to run the extra farkles. Plenty of room under the right side top panel for both the rostra cruise control and the fuse panel.

Speaking of cc, there's basically 2 route to go. McCruise is from Australia and can be pricey.. say north of $800 depending on exchange rate. Buddy has one and swears by it. Basically plug and play and pretty good support network. The other route is Rostra. Cheaper but requires a bit more fiddling. Cheaper at south of $300. They are both true cruise controls and NOT throttle locks. I love mine and thought it would be a little intimidating to install, but there's plenty of yt videos, video installs on murphs kit website, and several threads here on the forum.

Your obviously learning some of us can't leave well enough alone, and we help anyway we can...

Join for the bike, stay for the people...
Just wait
It’s been awhile since I found a site with riders like this . It’s refreshing!
just wait til u go to a national rally and break down. You'll have 20+ newest best friends working on ur bike, supplying tools and jokes and if Ted's around, a cold beverage cuz the parking lot can get pretty hot! (ted is connie rider fyi) hell, I didn't even have to help loading my bike on the dang trailer....lol. ill never forget that day...
Tom, the stories from rallies are many.
One is a father/son team informing us, then adjusting my wife's chain because I was too ignorant to recognize the issue...on the last day of the rally, at night. In the parking lot, after the banquet, with smiles!