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National Rally 2017: Crowdsource the Concourier!


Street Cruiser
Rally attendees, here's your chance to get published in the Concourier without a lot of work.

I want to try something, and I would like your help. Send me something about your experience at the National or your travels to get there or back home. It can be as long or as short as you like. Some ideas:

  • Travel experiences—good or bad
  • Memorable rides or riding companions
  • A special place you visited
  • Thoughts from one of the events (Monday's sandwich social, Murph's Ice Cream Social, the banquet)
  • Impressions of the Rally overall
  • Something new you learned about COG, your motorcycle, or riding

Tell a story. Make it serious or funny or both. Or neither. Write like you're talking to your friends.

I will take all of the input, clean it up as needed, and turn it into one article, with everyone who contributes getting credit (you may remain anonymous on request).

The Rally isn't one experience, it's a collection of 300+ different experiences. I want to capture that diversity rather than giving it a straight "newspaper-style" report that one person's perspective usually yields.

Don't post it here! Email it to me, or send it to me in a PM. That way the story isn't published before it's written. I want everyone to have a reason to wait by their mailboxes for the Concourier to be delivered.  ;)

This is going to be good. I started my story about the ride home this morning....
One week to go!

Right after the 4th of July holiday weekend, I will start production of the summer issue of the Concourier. You've still got time to get a story to me for inclusion in the magazine.

Remember...this does not have to be a full article, very long, or polished. Send me a note about something that happened to you at/coming from/going to the rally, your thoughts about the rally, or anything else that's rally related.

We crowdsource so many things these days like GoFundMe and social media. Let's bring this to the Concourier and make it a magazine that brings more of COG to your mailbox.

Pictures are welcome (invited, encouraged) as well.

Send me something via email or PM me through the forum.

Thanks from y'r humble editor.