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(NE) MA - Meet and Greet @ Wachusett Mountain State Reservation - June 24th.

The weather is looking great for the event.  Our ride is 2 hours 40 minutes long with a final stop in Sterling at the Getty for gas.  Easy access to Rt 190 from there.
You can download the GPS route here: http://www.cog-online.org/clubportal/clubdocdisplay.cfm?clubID=1328&docID=20473&priv=0

Note, there is a small fee to ride to the top of the mountain but it is worth it!
Tracey and I look forward to seeing you there.

Please register on the calendar and bring a friend!
Looks like you picked a wonderful day for a ride.  Have fun, I'll be thinkin' off y'all from the stands at Fenway Park.