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New C10 Owner from CT


Big Wheel
Hi all,

Just joined up and have been lurking for a week since I picked up my '02 connie up in New Hampshire.  Finally got out for a decent ride today and met a couple COG members up at the Cycle Gear in Manchester.  Both were exceptionally friendly and gave me a couple tips on things I should invest in to make my ownership experience even more enjoyable (on the maintenance side).  I look forward to meeting more of the members of COG and hope to pick up as much information about this bike that I can.

A little about myself: I'm Steve from Milford, CT, owner for four years of a K7 GSX-R600, and a brand new owner of a 2002 Concours.  The connie is going to be taking over my daily commuting duties for the gixxer, as it's a bit more comfortable on the ride from Milford to Durham every day.  I Work at Durham Auto Parts (independently owned parts store) as a counterman and driver when need be.  I'm fairly useful for low voltage electrical and lighting problems, as I previously worked at Whelen Engineering as a test and repair tech... Of course, staring at a 1000 part run of the same blinking light became extremely tedious, and I decided to move on in employment.

Now that all of you are asleep after reading that last paragraph, I'll say thanks for having this site! It's great to see such a large and thriving community based around this fantastic piece of machinery!


Be on the watch for upcoming Connecticut COG events and come check us out.  You may decide to become a dues paying member of the club.
Hi Steve,

It was great to meet you at Cycle Gear and I hope you can attend the Spring Tech
Day we host here in Monson, MA. You'll be able to meet at least 30 to 40 super COG
members that day alone, All who are willing to help out and share vast amounts of

Hope to see you around,