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New from Kansas City


Big Wheel
Hello. I just purchased a new 2008 C-14. This is my entry into the Sport Touring class. I have owned many street bikes until now. 3 triumphs, Ducati, Yamaha's, and everything in between. I was just ready for something more comfortable and passenger friendly. Boy did I find the right bike! I have really fallen in love with riding all over again. Now I can be comfortable when tearing up the twisties! Couple questions I have....

-There is a rattle coming from the gauge cluster during certain RPMs. Anyway to patch this?

-There is a "whine/squeak/chirp" that seems to be coming from the right side rear. It matches RPMs and gets faster when bike speeds up. Very faint, but I can still hear it. Maybe its the shaft drive?

I'm excited to be here and excited to learn a lot from you guys along my journey.

I live in Atchison, about 40 miles northwest of KC.  There are quite a few Coggers in the area.  There are even a couple of C-14 guys too!

Congrats on your purchase, I hope you enjoy!