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New guy from the Northwest


It occurred to me recently that I've been browsing this forum for several months and never pulled my nose out of the C14 Chat and Tech and the C14 Accessories boards long enough to introduce myself.  My name is Dan, I live in western Washington in the small town of Issaquah, about 15 miles east of Seattle.  I've been riding motorcycles since 1968 when I was a 20 year old kid in the Navy and caught the bug from some of my buddies.  My first bike was a 1965 Honda 305 Superhawk, and I've owned 11 other bikes since-5 Hondas, 3 Kawasakis, 2 Suzukis and 1 Harley.  Nope, never owned a Yamaha, but have ridden some owned by friends.  Still have 1 Suzuki('81 Gs1100E), 1 Honda('99 Blackbird), and 2 Kawasakis('86 C10 and 2010 C14).  The Suzuki and the C10 are somewhat the worse for wear from being 'rode hard and put away wet' for many years, both have over 100k miles.  The C14 and the Blackbird get ridden the most these days, the C14 getting more miles than the Honda because it is far more comfortable for long rides and almost as fast, at least in real-world riding situations, and is also a much better two-up bike.  My wife and I have done a couple of 500 mile days on the Honda, but weren't feeling too good by the ends of those days.  I'm retired now after 30+ years with the local phone company, so we decided to get the Concours to go do some touring.  I knew from owning the C10 that it would also be a fun bike for day rides, both solo and two-up.  The only challenge I face with the C14 is that it is taller(even with a Sargent low seat) than any other bike I have ever owned, which can cause some tenuous tippy-toe moments with my 28 inch inseam.

I'm thinking seriously about joining COG(I'm just a forum member right now), since I now own a C14 and a C10 it's the only thing that makes sense.  I look forward to finding lots of information and interesting people on this forum, and hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful as well.  Good riding to all!
Hello and welcome from another Dan from WA (Graham)
As a COG member and lowly mushroom in the NW officer group I can say you will fit right in!
Sure, join COG, you will be glad you support a fine riding group.
As a retired guy myself did a 525 mi ride Wed on my '01 C10 leaving late at noon and returning at 11PM:
Click on this long link
Welcome Dan.  I lurked for a while and then felt I had gotten enough money saving advice to pay for my membership fee ten times over so I joined.  Now I am a director