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New member Paul

I'm Paul in North Jersey.  Presently I'm riding a H-D SoftTail Hertiage Classic.
Great bike, just kinda runs out of steam at about 90, plus I'm riding a naked bike
while my bros are riding all fairing'd up with windscreens and all.  Have been
casually looking for a ST for a while now.  Lookin' to buy a 2012 ZG1400, seems
to fit the bill perfectly. As you all know once you see "THE bike" its like being a
kid at Christmas. If that doesn't happen to you I would suggest checking your
pulse. I also belong to a Corvette forum (talk about a bunch of passionate guys!)
which can be over the top at times.  Looking forward to lurking here and
absorbing a bunch of info.  As time goes on I'm hoping to contribute intelligently,
not that easy for me.  ::) 
BTW, I'll be keeping the H-D for short range work  ;D
Paul in North Jersey.
Hi Paul and welcome to the forum.  It is a different bike form the HD but many like something about both and many have both. 