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New member


Long time Harley Rider.... sick of wrenching, tired of riding slow sluggish overpriced bikes. Moving into the sport touring market, seems like an awful lot of fun. Have it narrowed down to the ST or the Concours, hopefully you can all help me make the call!
I take it that you rode a FatBoy. The ST is a great bike as is the C14. Read up on the forums, check them out and test ride them if you can. But your the person who has to ride the bike. So it's your choice. Welcome to the forum.

Stress and worry is bad for your health.  Just get the C14 and go have a stress relieving ride.
Welcome.  Both are great bikes and have their advantages.  For me it was a matter of price.  Good luck with your comparison!
I came off a BMW and, very much like yourself, had narrowed my choice down to either the ST or the Concours.
Researched both of them online for weeks. Went to the dealership and sat on both.
My conclusion? The Concours 14, of which I took delivery just two weeks ago, with NO regrets so far.
What made me make up my mind? In a nutshell:

Against the ST:
1. Volumes of reports on heat issues with the ST;
2. ST's somewhat dated design that's been around for sometime now;
3. No color choices, only black STs available near me. Maybe a couple of red ones (2008 I believe) 200+ miles away. That or buy used;
4. Ugly-ass sidebags (IMHO);
5. An apparently shrinking aftermarket accessories offering;
6. Price higher than the Connie (At least as far as MSRP).

In favour fo the ST:
1. Honda's almost undisputed reliability record;
2. V4 engine.

2 Pros; 6 Cons.

In the end, my choice was based on several key points in favour of the Kawasaki:

1. Market leading ABS/Traction control;
2. Proven, reliable, powerful engine;
3. Modern design;
4. Prospect of aftermarket farkle being available for years to come;
5. CHP switched from BMW RTs to the Concours 14s; Connies scored better than the BMWs in most key test areas, according to CA Govm't;
6. Cost-effective maintenance schedule;
7. Great looks.

To me, getting a new bike is a serious commitment, not to be taken lightly. You should think long and hard before you make your choice, so that it will be a choice that you'll be happy with in the years to come. It all comes down to personal prefference.
I made my choice. I stand by it. I'm very pleased and have enjoyed my new bike tremendously.

Stay cool. Ride safe
I've come up with essentially that very same list. The only thing I question is #2 on your Concours pros list. Powerful yes. Proven and reliable? I haven't seen enough on the roads here to make that call. That's why I'm here. Like to get the high mileage guys to weigh in.
Remember the engine is essentially the Ninja ZX14 engine. That's what did it for me in that category. I know maybe it's not been around for decades, but it's certainly not a "new" engine by any standard. It's been around for a good six years. That's long enough to discard any major issues with it. That's just the way I see it.

Stay cool; ride safe
FB:  I had to read your post.  Thought you might be my brother trying to sneak into my bike world, he goes by TheFatPilot.

Kaw has a habit of putting an engine into production and keeping it there a long time. Look at the old C10 and KLR650, 20 years run each with little change and little need for change.

I'm still thoroughly satisfied with my 2003 C10.  The C14 goes too fast for me--too fast through my bike purchasing budget!

You'll probably enjoy either bike. Get a test ride on  each, make your deal and go ride before winter sets in!


My 2008 C14 only has 54,000 miles but I have not had 1 minutes problem out of it. Not even a light bulb! Buy you a seat to your liking, a better windsheild & you'll be good to go. (oh yeah then there's tires 2 or 3 times a year!)  :beerchug:
Just Cliff said:
My 2008 C14 only has 54,000 miles but I have not had 1 minutes problem out of it. Not even a light bulb! Buy you a seat to your liking, a better windsheild & you'll be good to go. (oh yeah then there's tires 2 or 3 times a year!)  :beerchug:

I ride both - an HD Ultra Classic and a 2011 Concours 14 and I enjoy the unique riding reward each bike offers. Yes, the HD is slow, has overpriced accessories, and has a high operating costs. But on days I want to just lay back and cruise - I enjoy the HOG.

On the other hand, the Connie, also a "bagger" touring bike is definately fast and more fun on the twisties, is very manuverable in the traffic as a daily commuter ride over the HD, also has overpriced accessories, has a great water cooled smooth engine, and so far has a lower operating cost then the Harley. I admit, I do enjoy the quietness of the Connie, quick pickup, speed, manuverabilty and that need for speed that the Harley does not offer.

Both are great bikes with their own unique ride. And if you enjoy touring or weekend long trips, being able to store gear in saddle bags, sit in a comfortable upright riding position like on your Fatboy, then you will enjoy the Connie "Concours 14".

Oh, and did I mention that theConnie fairing offers great protection from the elements and the std heating handgrips on the the Connie are amazing on those cool mornings (40's), and the 43mpg at a steady 80mph on the highway is superior over the Harley.

Like I said, each bike offers a unique and enjoyable ride. But take the feedback from the COG Riders on the ST and Connie 14 into consideration, read test reviews (Motorcycle Consumer News offers good reviews and is not influenced by advertisers), check out some of the reviews on "YouTube" and if possible see if you can take a test ride at the local dealership or at a Bike event where Kaw will offer test rides to see what will be the best selection for you.

Good Luck and Ride Safe! 