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New side marker lights/turn signals behave strangely


Hello All,

I just finished replacing the factory side reflectors with Murph's side marker/turn signal lights. I followed the wiring instructions found here on the forum earlier. The two sides are basically wired identically, still, the turn signals work in "alternate" mode with the factory front signals on the left hand side, while they work "normally on the right hand side". What can be the problem?

Thank you in advance for any tips!

Recheck your wiring on the left side. The turn signal is grounding thru the marker light (or vice versa). GM cars used to do this. I actually wired mine to work this way. I'm pretty sire it's a wiring issue.

Eddie-FL said:
Recheck your wiring on the left side. The turn signal is grounding thru the marker light (or vice versa). GM cars used to do this. I actually wired mine to work this way. I'm pretty sire it's a wiring issue.


I keep mine like this as well, just to get the attention of drivers at intersections, and it works.