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New Virginia C14 owner


Big Wheel
I just traded my Honda VTX (cruiser) in for a 2011 C14 the other day. Wow, what a difference!

I've owned 4 Honda motorcycles in my life but the last two (both from 2007) left much to be desired in terms of quality and how bad Honda had cut corners to lower the price at the sacrifice of handling. But anyway...

I'm excited to be a new Connie owner and I hope to find answers to the immediate (common) questions about more comfortable grips and riser extension.  :)

Cheers from Virginia!
(I'm in the Roanoke area, near the blue ridge parkway)
Hey ClayG, the grips are heated as you know so a slip-on is in order. Murphs is a good source for risers. Perhaps a few hundred miles will help get a better feel for what is pressing in your case. You will enjoy your new C-14 and feel free to ask any other questions.......blanton
Welcome Clay! I would suggest riding it for a little time to see if you need to make changes. The 2010-11 has the heated grip heaters in them, so grip puppies are probably the best option to soften the grips. And as also stated, Murph's is a good place for risers (and a lot of other farkles)!

I agree with Bob.  You should allow yourself time to acclimate to this bike and the new body position from your previous ride before making any changes to bar height, windscreen, etc. A god rule of thumb is wait until the 1000 mile break-in is complete. 

If you are looking for the opportunity to meet other Concours owners, check out the Calendar of Events over on the main COG pages. The Northeast Area is pretty active.  Amid the many local activities near you, there is a regional rally in Wellsboro, PA next week, and the Northeast is host to the COG National Rally in Vermont this August. Once you have had an opportunity to check us out, I hope you consider becoming a full member of the club.

welcome from another va newbie - I will have to make sure and let you know when i am up in the area.  we have family in there (Salem) and go up from time to time.  will probably be up next weekend but will have too many with us to visit most likely.