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New western Colorado member


Hello. My name is Jerry, and I live about 30 miles east of Grand Junction, Colorado, in a small towm named DeBeque. I recently bought an '06 Concours with just over 19K on it. Riding xperience has been mostly on Yamaha bikes; I am a past president of the Yamaha XS - XJ Owner's Association (www.xs11.com) and have been riding on and off for about 35 years. My current riding consists of commuting about 112 miles per day, mostly interstate, and a few long vacation trips per year. I already have a "wish list" of products available from Murph's Kits, although the previous opwner did upgrade to SS brake lines on front and brake pads all around. I have added a HitchDoc hitch so I can continue to pull my small trailer. I do have a web page where I have posted photos from my Yamaha rallies: http://homepage.mac.com/jerryfields/PhotoAlbum4.html I plan to do more of the same from my trips on the Concours. I am looking forward to a long relatioship with my Connie and the COG.
Welcome Jerry, Looks like you will be racking up the miles with that commute ;)Enjoy the bike !! CT AAD COG #7011-A 2003 Concours-Mary Ann 1995 Honda Nighthawk 750 wifes
welcome, Jerry -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Welcome to the forum Jerry, consider joining as a full member if you have not. I hope that commute is both ways 56 each way. Sorry you missed the nationals last year that were in your back yard. Enjoy ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Hi Jerry, welcome to COG! I've had my '99 Concours for almost a year now, and I LOVE this bike. I'm currently in Colorado Springs, but am moving up to Denver (most likely Lakewood) within the next couple of months. That'll put me closer to where you are, so perhaps we can connect sometime this summer. Enjoy the bike, and watch out for slow speeds for little while, as she's a little top-heavy on a full tank. Ride safe!
Welcome aboard! +1 on loving my Concours! COG rocks, I've never had any trouble of any kind that hasn't been answered by the members of this group in less than an hour. Everything Connie-related that you need to know, want to know or didn't really need or want to know but is entertaingly bizarre can be found here. :)
Grand Junction is a couple hundred miles from Denver, but is not bad for a day trip. Would like to hook up. I am also sorry I missed last year's nationals in Frisco, did not hear about it until to late. Two things that I had heard about the Concours that I have not had problems with. First, I find it easier to put on the center stand than my old Yamaha. The Connie is easy in comparison. Second, although I am only on my 2nd or 3rd tank of gas, I have not found the Connie to be top heavy. Again, this may be because my XJ1100 is tall with a 4.5 gallon tank, but I've found the Connie handles better in all conditions I have experienced so far, including low-speed manuvers in parking lots and in-town riding. Guess it all depends on what you came from! I will be adding the Kneesavers and some type of bar riser, and will swap out the stock windshield. After that a cruise control looks pretty attractive. Just like my Yamaha, the Concours will take a couple seasons to get it set up the way I would like.
Hi Jerry, Welcome at COG. You live in an area where you can ride for days and days. My bike is at Casa Hall, Lyons (CO). I thought there is a wrench session somewhere April, not sure of that. End May I will be heading South from there. Have fun on the bike and keep the rubber on the road. Harry.