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NJ/PA Event Planning


Street Cruiser
Hey folks!

Wanted to start getting ideas for places and dates. Any particular rides you all would like me to do? Do you have an idea for a ride, or just a place to get to? We might be able to make a fun day out of it!

I'm relocating temporarily to Marlton in April, but will still be alternating between NJ and PA each month.

Feel free to throw ideas out onto the table! Input is welcome!
Sorry to everyone for the dearth of events these past few months. With the weather being what it is, no point in even thinking about taking bikes out in this.

I'm considering putting up a breakfast meet & greet type of event just for anyone who wants to get out of the house for a spell. Anyone have any preference as to which weekend?
Just about any weekend is good. The 22nd of this month I'll be up in Westfield, NJ for the 1-102nd Cavalry change of command ceremony.
March 1st or 8th sounds good, just want to break bread with the fine folks of COG. I'm always up for a glutton of punishment.. ;D
March 8th is looking pretty good. Will post this up on the calendar tonight. Looking like we'll probably have the event in NJ, at one of the diners in the Central NJ area. Anyone have any preference? I'm in Middlesex county and near the Omega. We could also do the Medport down in the Medford area if that is preferred.