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North Central Election


For all you current COG members, for the first time in many years we have two fine folks running for the position on North Central Area Director.You should have received a invitation to vote and bios for both Candidates. The nominees are Brian Snowberg and Ken McClurg, Brian is the challenger and Ken is the incumbent.

Please read the the Bios below and send in your votes. Remember it is always about participation.

Bio for COG NCAD Candidate – Ken McClurg

Howdy, Most of you know me from my years as North Central Area Director. For those that don't, I'm Ken “Lobo” McClurg. I live in Coon Valley, Wisconsin and have been active in COG for about 10 years and have been area director for about six. I have been a biker for almost sixty years and have been working on bikes for almost that long. I'm not a executive type and not real skilled on the computer, don't even own a suit, but I do understand bikes and sport touring.

During my time as area director I have put together a team that has done a great job of promoting COG and sport touring. We all work hard to resolve any problems the members may have.
I have worked hard at recruiting AADs and  generating more events for member participation but there is a lot of work left to do.
If elected I will continue to work on recruiting and retaining club members, adding more AADs and riding events, and making COG a better club.
If elected this will be my last term as AAD. I plan to retire at the end of this term but there are a few more things I hope to accomplish first. I would appreciate your vote.

Ken “Lobo” McClurg

Bio for COG NCAD Candidate – Brian Snowberg

I've been asked to submit a little info about myself as a nominee for North Central AD, so here goes.
I am a life long motorcycle rider, beginning with my first bike back in 1970. From then on, I always had at least one bike to ride and sometimes more. In my wild and free 20's, I managed to cover a majority of the country on a 1973 750 Triumph Trident. Pretty much ride, wrench, repeat. Often with some wrenching involved at the side of the road! Some great adventures were had along the way, and back then I camped and cooked to save money for gas and motorcycle parts. Never much for urban riding, I really love to get out and cover some miles and see places I have not been before.

I really like working on my bikes, partly out of necessity, and partly for fun. I think the more you know about the machine you are on, the better off you will be when far away from home. I finally moved up to a more modern bike when I sold my 1978 XS11 and bought a lightly used 1986 Concours in 2004. That's also the year I joined COG. It took until 2006 for me to make it to my first National Rally, the High Plains Drifter in South Dakota. I met so many people there and had such a great time, I have not missed a National since. In fact, I was one of the rally organizers for the 2010 National in Tomah, Wisconsin.

Through my COG membership, I have made some great friends from around the country, and even some in Europe! In 2012, I was honored to be the Over the Pond tag along which provided me with an opportunity to ride about 3600 miles in 8 countries. This was a dream come true and never would have happened if were not for COG!

Alright, lets wrap this up. I have been involved in COG by hosting and attending numerous rallies,  rides and tech sessions over the past ten years. I have received a wealth of experience and friendship through the club that has enriched my life. I am motivated to give back to our club by volunteering to run for the North Central Area Director position.

Thanks, and I hope to see you down the road.

Brian Snowberg
COG 6497
AMA 1091701
Hey Jeff, can I vote? Can I, can I, can I?

I usta live up there, and I attended the VBR, and I drank beer with MN/Sconi folks at the '12 national.

Can I, can I, can I?

Hiya Jeff.  :motonoises: :beerchug:

I don't think you can vote until you move back up here to god's country. You certainly can try to make sure anybody you know in the North Central votes.