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NWCOG RTE Sumas WA Sun Oct 10


COG 2877
Roland Vetter is organizing this RTE. Meet 9AM Sun Oct 11 @ I-5 north rest stop between mile 206-208. Ride back roads to Sumas and all you can eat breakfast buffet at Bob's. Route after eat to be determined and may include the Skagit Highway to Darrington and on south. Contact Roland Vetter for further info, cell 206-499-1333
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! OCT 11 MONSTER RIDE EVENT AND EAT! Can't change the date in the topic title tho changed it in the original post. Thanks for the heads up!
A small but hardy group laid "waist" to the Sumas Bob's brunch buffet. Pedro on the beemer and I managed to avoid the Death Panel's of the Canadian Health Care System. We sweet talked our way past US immigration and chowed down on a great brunch. On the way home we tied up the Canadian border because the Customs Officer wanted to see how I had modified my Cardo Q2 to use earbuds. I bet the cars behind us were unimpressed. :)
Nice pics but where's the one of the buffet? We see lots of bike pics, but if you want to recruit for the next trip we need to see the reward at the end of the road. Yeah, I know, the ride is the reward, but anyone who knows me knows I like to eat too. COG # 8062 AMA # 1084053 ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife
Didn't take any pics inside the restaurant. Was too busy eating and talking about socialized medicine.
I had a great ride with the group. The breakfast bufffet was good. Omlettes to order if ya don't like holandaise (sp) sauce. I rode 86 mi north to the start at the rst sop. It was frosty @ 7:15 AM leaving Graham(crackerville) Fueled up at Marysville just shy of the meet. The bike would not start. The battery has been giving indications of weakness for a month. I asked a guy coming out of the AMPM to give me a push and it bump started easily. The rest of the ride I made sure the aux lite and heated gear were off prior to stopping and restarting. Bought a new batt from wallyworld today. Had very good backroad riding after brekie tho the Canadians had to head home.. 400 plus miles and 12 hrs doorstep to doorstep. Thanks to Roland for leading us to food and curves, many curves....
I would have really liked to have gone on the ride. Can't these rides be listed earlier so we have time to plan. Sorry to have missed the ride Roland.
Roland may not have been hungry but I was and the buffet sounds like a good time. I'll be there next time. Take care Locksmith.