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Oh Boy this is an old one!



Seems like we continually hash out the same old same old, yet here we are again........

Folks helmets save lives, reduce injuries and well, allow us to ride another day!

Enjoy listening to the one and only Harry Hurt himself!

Enjoy Dave!  :)
I don't think anyone, who has studied the issue, argues the point about the efficacy of helmets. The argument is all about an individual's right to choose. It has been clearly and unequivocally proven that smoking causes cancer. Should smoking be prohibited everywhere?  Many would say "yes" but many would also say "no." It is also clearly demonstrated that riding motorcycles is dangerous (helmets and other personal protective gear notwithstanding); should riding motorcycles be prohibited under the guise of safety?

I live in a "helmet optional" state yet I ALWAYS wear a helmet. Why?  Because I CHOOSE to take steps to try to mitigate the hazard of riding. It's all about risk and how much risk is one willing to accept.
Ranger Jim said:
I don't think anyone, who has studied the issue, argues the point about the efficacy of helmets. The argument is all about an individual's right to choose. It has been clearly and unequivocally proven that smoking causes cancer. Should smoking be prohibited everywhere?  Many would say "yes" but many would also say "no." It is also clearly demonstrated that riding motorcycles is dangerous (helmets and other personal protective gear notwithstanding); should riding motorcycles be prohibited under the guise of safety?

I live in a "helmet optional" state yet I ALWAYS wear a helmet. Why?  Because I CHOOSE to take steps to try to mitigate the hazard of riding. It's all about risk and how much risk is one willing to accept.

Slight clarification here: Riding motorcycles is not dangerous. Crashing motorcycles can be.
