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Oil Filter Compatibility?


Training Wheels
Hey there -- My Connie's new to me, and I am doing my first oil change this weekend. Quick question -- what's the best solution to replacing the oil filter? Just go to the dealer and get the Kawi filter? Or is there a Bosch or other compatible filter that everyone uses? Also -- for my first oil change -- anyone got any other tips or words of wisdom? Thanks in advance, Eric
I've been using a Fram CH6012 for >150k, no problemo. They're avail frum any auto parts sto. Remember there's 2 drain plugs. Add 3-1/4 qts of yer fave juice & yer dun. 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh OTP 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
Yep, the 2 drain plugs is what I was going to say Make sure you get'em both or you'll end up overfilling and saying WTF!?! loudly in your garage. You can find filters from several major manufacturers, Connie's been around for 20+ years now. Do yourself a favor and pre-measure the oil, don't rely on the sight glass. You're better off using a Ouija board or Magic 8 Ball than trying to decipher the sight glass.
If the Fram isn't to your liking, I have seen technical data that indicates better filtering from the K&N oil filters. The o-rings are far more substantial then the ones Fram includes too. They can be had reasonably cheap from both murphskits & amotostuff.com. I used to just buy a few any time I was placing an order with Murph or amotostuff for other goodies, and I seem to recall paying only about $5 each. Sorry I don't know of a brick-n-mortar store that carries them, but K&N should be able to provide a retailer list if you're interested.
All very helpful. Has anyone found a compatible Bosch, SuperTech or Mobil-1 filter for the C10? I hear those -- and the Purolator ML16812 -- are the right ones for quality. 2001 Kawasaki Concours 1983 Honda Interceptor 1981 Honda CM-400 Custom
Then there's Bergmen Engineering Spin On Oil Filter Adapter. Developed by a COG member. I'm running this along with quite a few others. Murph sells it: http://www.murphskits.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=1_93&products_id=145 Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
Don't buy the filter from Kawasaki. They don't include the O rings with the filter like the after market ones. COG # 8062 AMA # 1084053 ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife
I've used the ML16812 a few x, no worries mate. 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh OTP 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
I get the puralator ones now also I think. I was using stp ones till they stopped caring them at autozone. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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Great, this is all so helpful. Thanks so much. Regarding the crush washers, are those more or less standardized and available at an auto parts store, or should I be getting those from the Kawi dealer? 2001 Kawasaki Concours 1983 Honda Interceptor 1981 Honda CM-400 Custom
I've been reusing mine for years with no problems, only got new ones when I replaced stock drain plugs with magnetic ones this spring. Joe 1968 Honda 160 Scrambler, Sold / 1979 Kawasaki SR 650, Traded in for next one, 1978 Kawasaki KZ 1000 Z1R Turbo / 1986 Kawasaki ZX 1000R Ninja / 1999 Kawasaki Concours COG memb# 8645
I use K&N filters and usually stock them, but when I found that I let my supply run out I when to the auto store and bought a fram. I thought the o-ring looked thin but tried it anyway and of course it leaked so I reused the old ones. I'm I the only one that has a hard time with the second plug? Mine is right under a tube. Am I missing something or is there a trick? The answer to the question about crush plugs and filters or really any thing is Murph's. Love Murph's
You're better off using a Ouija board or Magic 8 Ball than trying to decipher the sight glass. I dunno, but 3qts dumped in with the bike on the CS & level is right in the middle to slightly above on the sight glass every time. A Fram CH6012 works for me and haven't replaced a crush washer in 73K miles worth of changes with no leaks.