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our canoe trip last weekend


http://picasaweb.google.com/PaulieH01/WekivaRiverPaddleNCamp# 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh OTP 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
Nice shots of the "real" Florida! Looks like a great time. Maybe we should put together a COG campout and tube down the Ichetucknee River. David David in Jax COG# 7898 www.dreamjobresumes.com preparing resumes for COG members and friends I ride a KAWASAKI ZZR1200 - Euro http://www.motorbikestoday.com /reviews/Articles/ZZR1200.htm US http://www.motorcyclistonline. com/roadtests/2002_kawasaki_zz r1200/index.html
Very nice pix. My family and I took kayaks in the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel a few years back and had a blast. Very nice way to travel. Not motors, just dipping the paddles. Good for you. Thanks for sharing. Aging is scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker!
PAulie, slightly off-topic... are those all bike-visited places on your maps... places you've been to in your life? places you've been on a connie? You are quite the traveller regardless of the answer.
are those all bike-visited places on your maps... places you've been to in your life? places you've been on a connie?
Ayup, on my 00 & 01 Concs in NA, and Marc's GTR in EU. Just wait till I retire! :) 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh OTP 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd