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Panel trucks and the headless horseman

Since buying my C14 I have had 2 close calls, as opposed to super close calls, involving following panel trucks turning left.......After the second one I started assessing the scenario and realized I was assisting the headless horseman mix the recipe for my demise......maybe everyone already knows this but if one person doesn't, or if it reminds others, then I'm good with wasting everyone's time reading this......the scenario: following a panel truck (delivery truck) the truck begins to slow to stop and/or turn left.....my mistake was to begin to move to the right of the lane in preparation for going around the right of the truck......after having 2 different drivers from the other direction cut right in front of me I realized that they legitimately couldn't see me as I moved behind the much larger truck to the right....the truck's visual footprint was completely screening me.....maybe I was following too close too......now when the truck driver flips on the turn signal I move to the left of the lane and make sure that the driver in the car waiting to turn left from the opposite direction sees me.......sometimes I've had to get pretty far over in the lane......then I move right and go around......any other ideas besides the shoulder fired missile defense system?......do others have a situation like this they can share?
Smithr......I must have described this situation poorly.....the truck in front of me is turning left and there is a car going in the opposite direction also turning left......
Ocean said:
Smithr......I must have described this situation poorly.....the truck in front of me is turning left and there is a car going in the opposite direction also turning left......

I do believe that Smithr's response was to this:
Ocean said:
....do others have a situation like this they can share?

That is not to your exact situation, but equally dangerous, and thus a situation in likeness.

I don't think your description was poor at all, and I thank you for sharing it as I'll keep it (and Smithr's) in mind during my
I had that same situation a couple times before I realized what I did wrong . Its great to post things like this and could save some lives .  :motonoises:
Ocean said:
you're right Marty!....a duh moment for me..... :-[
    ;) It's OK, best to have them here amongst friends and out of your system, rather than
out there behind the handle bars where everyone is out to get us. >:D