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Phantom Kickstand Restrikes


Crotch Rocket
As laid out in "Phantom Kickstand" I would like recognition of my CD and a number of honor to go along with recognition.I mean I/we admit it.  The Wizard  :) :'( :truce:
Wizard, that sucks!!!! Did you get the one from Pottyland yet?  Hey, you are the parts guru, so any damage to new connie should easily be remedied by a walk to your shed!!!  As far as your EGO :-[ :-X :truce: :-\  Sorry to hear your tale of wo, happens to ALL of us SOONER or LATER!!!!
Yeah, if you want a CDA award, you have to set up your own thread ;)

Sorry for the delay; been having computer issues on this end.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 540th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0536 C14 Joel Scherzer
0537 C10 Jim Polito
0538 C14 Bernard Vance
0539 C14 Harold Massey
0540 C10 Gerald Gaither

Your right ;) Dan,grab a stock w/s from "the shed" :nananana:  >:D and sell the Rifle base or save it,mine has a Rifle :great:.But it hurt to be part of :( :-[ :'(,besides I got a concussion even with my helmet on.  The WWizzzarddddd (wobbly joke)  CDA #540
Somebody was selling a 17 inch rifle in emporium.  Sorry about the concussion.  That sucks!!  Hope you get better soon.  Tuess it's  time to buy a new helmet too.  Did you pick up that bike I gave you info on yet?
Can someone help me,trying to order 1 each CDA patch frrom store;it won't let me complete oeder now shows 2 items in cart but it won't show me what is in cart. Will patches be available at the National nnnnnn Cortez.  The Wizard
Get hold of Matt Needham (mattchewn), who's the guy in charge of COG Merchandise.  He'll be able to help you out.