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Photo Albums?

Chris Baum


I was wondering if we have the ability to add photo albums to the forum?  I have a bunch of pictures from the "OTP" Kawasaki Plant Tour and our "OTP" Nebraska Grill out that I would like to share with the COG Nation.  Can you help with this or give me some suggestions. 

I don't think the site has the ability for that. But maybe I'm wrong. Another suggestion: Why not use a hosting site like webshots, and provide links to the album or slide show.
AADs can add photos to the COGMOS photo album.  Colin may know of another method. 
S Smith said:
AADs can add photos to the COGMOS photo album.  Colin may know of another method.

Steve is correct, AD's are able to post photo's to the cog-online.org website, in their area photo section or on the main photo pages.
If you have any problems with your AD, LoL send them to me, and I can post them.

I guess I was thrown off by album. That sounds like a lot of pictures. But then again, I've added quite a few to the NE area photo section. So it can be done.  :-[